
Urban Dictionary for ABBYY Lingvo 2011

Urban Dictionary for ABBYY Lingvo 2011


nw Urban Dictionary for ABBYY Lingvo 2011

Urban Dictionary for ABBYY Lingvo 2011 siza : 750 mg

Urban Dictionary for ABBYY Lingvo 2011 photo 

Urban Dictionary for ABBYY Lingvo updated June 9 2011 

Urban Dictionary for ABBYY Lingvo 2011 information 

1. For Lingvo 12, X3, X5
In Lingvo select "Tools" -> "Add a dictionary from a file" and specify the sequence files "Urban Dictionary (En-En) part 1.lsd" and "Urban Dictionary (En-En) part 2.lsd". And then for a long time to index ... If you need to search for articles
2. For other versions of Lingvo
Paspakovat archive content from the folder "Urban Dictionary (En-En). Dsl" in a folder with files *. ann, and *. bmp from this distribution. Run "ABBYY DSL Compiler", which is part of Lingvo, a sequence of files "Urban Dictionary (En-En) part 1.dsl" and "Urban Dictionary (En-En) part 2.dsl" in the selected directory and set the compile options:
The encoding of the source text: Unicode
Automatically add markup to your search: yes

Year: 2011
Version of the dictionary: 1.0
Version of Lingvo: 12, X3, X5 (+ dsl).
Conversion Dictionary: fbar, split into parts: covdey
Number of titles / Cards: 1 017 849 / 899 834

  Urban Dictionary for ABBYY Lingvo 2011 DownloaD:-

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