
Serif PhotoPlus X3 Digital Studio v13.10

Serif PhotoPlus X3 Digital Studio v13.10

Serif PhotoPlus X3 Digital Studio - The professional digital image editing solution. Whether you’re quickly resizing holiday snaps, removing flaws from portraits, adjusting exposure and color levels, restoring old images, importing Photoshop documents, layering and masking professional artwork, or transforming photos with unique effects and artistic styles, PhotoPlus X3 Digital Studio has everything you need to achieve the highest quality results - fast…
PhotoPlus X3 - more than ever, the best value in image creation and editing software for any home, school, organization, or growing business. PhotoPlus is the number one choice for working with photographs and paint-type images, whether for the Web, multimedia, or the printed page.
PhotoPlus has the features you’ll need… from importing or creating pictures, through manipulating colors, making image adjustments, applying filter effects and so much more, all the way to final export. Built-in support for the most modern digital cameras makes it easy to open your very own digital photos, either as JPG or as unprocessed raw images.

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