
DirectX 10 NE 1.3 (New Edition) Windows XP

DirectX 10 NE 1.3 (New Edition) Windows XP

Within 2 years we have searched for the method of binding DirectX10 to Windows XP, and came close to solving the problem running any DX10 of compatible programs. At this time we succeeded in increasing the speed and quality graphics in games! At the moment included are 3 different versions for different needs. In the current version of the updated preset GameFix new.
What's new:
[!] Game Fix Update replacement GraphicX
[!] Added 3 types of installation
[+] Changed DH10 Library
[+] Updated installer to version 5.3.0
[-] Removed nvapi.dll (possibly could be BSODy)
[-] Removed DLL or some compression
Version RP
[!] Repacked intermediate version
[+] Improved the DH10 Library
[+] Added library from the March version of DirectX
[-] Removed all unnecessary components (reduced size)
Version LV
[+] Added the corrected dxgi.dll
[+] Added library from the November version of DirectX
[+] Added the ability to install on the virtual system
[+] Added a graphical patch for the game STALKER "Clear Sky" Version 1.5.07
Version CF
[!] Fixed problem with sound!
[+] Added library nvapi.dll (8042)
[+] Improved the Game FAQ
[-] Removed some bugs DLL
Version GFR
[+] Added libraries needed to run some games and programs (Thanks Svyat)
[+] Added support for Assassins Creed, Crysis Warhead, ST: Clear Sky
[+] Downgrade system DLL from Windows Vista
[-] Remove support for DirectX 10.1 (all the same games under it there)
Version NCT Release 2
[!] Added Uninstall
[!] Support for Win x64
[+] Added library from the August version of DirectX
[+] Test support for Linux (through Wine)
[+] Maybe it will work "Clean Sky"
Version NCT
[!] Ability to choose an installation type
[+] Added the DirectX10 version of Alky.
[+] Minor build fixes, for example, several additional languages of installation.
[-] Removed the program for testing
Version TR
[!] Repackaging and replacement of the same DLL on Vista SP1
[!] Fixed bug with msvcrt.dll (hopefully permanently)
[+] Added test support for DirectX 10.1
[+] Added library from the June version of DirectX
[+] Added a patch for the game schedule Hellgate London
[+] Added a lot of DLL type msvc *. dll (needed for many programs and games)
[+] Added program to test the DirectX10 performance of a set of SDK (can someone start)
[-] Removed Nucleus.dll, why should I add it at all?
Version RC2 Fix 3
[+] Added a graphical patch for the game STALKER
[+] Added a DLL file Nucleus.dll, I do not know why ...
[+] Minor changes in the assembly.

Year: 2009
OS: Windows XP
License: Freeware
Language: Multilanguage
Size: 6.53 Mb


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